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658 lines
; Installationsskript für IR-Master 3.30
; $VER: IR-Master Install 3.30 (09.06.95)
; (c) 1995 Michael Watzl
(set version 3)
(set revision 30)
(set @app-name ("IR-Master %ld.%ld" version revision))
; *********** Zuerst Strings sprachenabhängig initialisieren **
(if (= @language "deutsch")
; //+ deutsche strings
(set @abort-button "Installation abrrechen!")
(set @error-msg "Fataler Fehler!")
(set #welcome (cat
"Damit wird der IR-Master automatisch auf\n"
"Ihrer Festplatte installiert\n\n"
"IR-Master © 1993-1995 Jürgen Frank und Michael Watzl\n"
"All rights reserved."))
(set #version_error
"\nSorry...\n\nDer IR-Master benötigt minestens\nAmiga-OS 2.04")
(set #cantuncompress
"Fehler beim Entpacken von ")
(set #uncompress
"Entpacke ")
(set #install
"Installiere ")
(set #toinstall
(set #whichdrawer
"Wo soll für den IR-Master ein Verzeichnis angelegt werden?")
(set #whichdrawer_help (cat
"Ein Verzeichnis namens 'IR-Master' wird dort "
"erzeugt. Dort wird der IR-Master nach der "
"Installation zu finden sein."))
(set #selectparts
"Welche Teile der Distribution sollen installiert werden?")
(set #selectparts_help (cat
"Wenn Sie genügend Platz auf Ihrer Festplatte haben, "
"sollten Sie alles anwählen.\n\n"
"Zum Betrieb ist es allerdings ausreichend, wenn Sie "
"nur 'IR-Master' anwählen.\n\n"
"1. IR-Master\n"
"Das sind die beiden Programme IR-Editor und IR-Runner "
"mit den zugehörigen Libraries und dem Verzeichnis "
"Data/, welches die Piktogramme für die Toolbox enthält\n\n"
"2. Aleitung zum IR-Master\n"
"Die Anleitung im Amiga-Guide- und DVI-Format in "
"deutsch und englisch.\n\n"
"3. Beispielprojekte\n"
"Sie können den Beispielprojekten entnehmen, wie IR-Daten "
"dargestellt werden, oder andere Kniffe kennenlernen.\n\n"
"4. Hintergrundgrafiken\n"
"Sie können Hintergrundgrafiken zum verschönern "
"Ihrer Projekte verwenden.\n\n"
"5. ARexx-Beispiele\n"
"Ein paar kleine Deomstrationen, wie man den IR-Master "
"mit ARexx verwenden kann.\n\n"
"6. Artwork\n"
"Piktogramme für Gadgets.\n\n"
"7. Schaltpläne der Hardwares (Nur für registrierte User)\n"
"Die Schaltpläne der IR-Masterhardwares als IFF-Bilder.\n\n"))
(set #installmaster
"IR-Master installieren")
(set #installmaster_help (cat
"Dieser Installationsschritt installiert alle "
"für den reinen Betrieb des IR-Masters nötigen "
"Dateien in das von Ihnen gewählte Verzeichnis "
"Zudem werden noch zwei Libraries (req.library "
"und InfraRed.library) nach LIBS: installiert. "))
(set #libraries
(set #req.library_help (cat
"Die req.library wird vom IR-Editor gebraucht. "
"Sie sollten aber einen Patch installieren, der "
"die req.library in die reqtools.library umleitet. "
"(siehe Anleitung)."))
(set #infrared.library_help (cat
"Die InfraRed.library wird vom IR-Master und vom "
"IR-Runner verwendet, um IR-Kommandos zu senden. "))
(set #irmaster_help (cat
"IR-Editor dient zum Erstellen der Projekte. "
"IR-Runner ist das Laufzeitmodul."))
(set #askwbcolors
"Wieviele Farben verwenden Sie bei Ihrer Workbench?")
(set #askwbcolors_help (cat
"Die ToolBox-Piktogramme des IR-Editors "
"können durch andere ersetzt werden. "
"Für 4,8 und 16 Farben sind Beispiel-Daten vorhanden\n\n"
"Ohne diese Daten kann der IR-Editor nicht starten!"))
(set #docs
(set #docspattern
(set #guide
(set #dvi
(set #examples
(set #examples_help (cat
"An den Beispiel-Projekten kann man leicht "
"lernen, was man mit dem IR-Master alles "
"machen kann.\n"))
(set #backgrounds
(set #backgrounds_help (cat
"IR-Masterprojekte können als Hintergrundgrafik "
"ein IFF-Bild verwenden. Hier sind einige "
"Beispiele zusammengestellt."))
(set #arexx
(set #arexx_help (cat
"Der IR-Runner hat einen ARexx-Port. Wie sie "
"diesen benutzen, können Sie anhand der "
"Beispiele sehen."))
(set #artwork
(set #artwork_help (cat
"In diesem Verzeichnis werden Sie nach der Installation "
"ein paar Grafiken finden, die Sie als Gadgetgrafiken "
"im IR-Editor verwenden können."))
(set #schematics
(set #schematics_help (cat
"Wenn Sie IR-Master-Hardware nachbauen, oder "
"einfach mal ansehen wollen, so werden Sie die "
"Baupläne nach der Installation hier finden."))
(set #bye (cat
"\n\n\nViel Spaß mit dem IR-Master wünschen\n"
"Jürgen Frank und\n"
"Michael Watzl"))
(set #importand
; //-
; //+ englische strings
(set #welcome (cat
"The IR-Master will automatically be\n"
"installed to your ard disk.\n\n"
"IR-Master © 1993-1995 Jürgen Frank und Michael Watzl\n"
"All rights reserved."))
(set #version_error
"\nSorry...\n\nIR-Master needs Amiga-OS 2.04 or better!")
(set #cantuncompress
"Can't uncompress ")
(set #uncompress
"Uncompress ")
(set #install
"Install ")
(set #toinstall
"installing ")
(set #whichdrawer
"Where should I place the drawer for IR-Master?")
(set #whichdrawer_help (cat
"A drawer named 'IR-Master' will be created. "
"In this drawer you will find the IR-Master "
"after the installation is finished."))
(set #selectparts
"Which parts of the distribution shoud be installed?")
(set #selectparts_help (cat
"If you have enough room on your hard disk, you "
"should select all parts.\n\n"
"To simply use the IR-Master it is enough to install "
"only 'IR-Master'\n\n"
"1. IR-Master\n"
"This will install IR-Editor, IR-Runner, the "
"libraries and some essential data for the IR-Editor's "
"toolbox to your HD\n\n"
"2. Documents\n"
"The documents as amigaguide guides and dvi files\n\n"
"3. Examples\n"
"Some example projects for the IR-Master. Load them "
"with the IR-Editor or start them with the IR-Runner.\n\n"
"4. Backgrounds\n"
"You may use iff pictures as backgrounss for your "
"projects. Here you will find some examples.\n\n"
"5. ARexx examples\n"
"The IR-Runner has an ARexx port. If you want to know "
"how to use it, install this part and take a look "
"on this files.\n\n"
"6. Artwork\n"
"Here you will find some icons for your project's gadgets.\n\n"
"7. Schematics\n"
"If you want to rebuild the IR-Master's hardware "
"install this part, too."))
(set #installmaster
"Install IR-Master")
(set #installmaster_help (cat
"This step will install all files which are "
"essetial to run IR-Master. "
"This will be: IR-Editor, IR-Runner, libraries "
"and some icons for the IR-Editor's toolbox." ))
(set #libraries
(set #req.library_help (cat
"The req.library is used by the IR-Editor. "
"You should problably install a patch to "
"redicrect the calls to the better looking "
"reqtools.library (see documents for more)."))
(set #infrared.library_help (cat
"The InfraRed.library is used by IR-Editor and "
"IR-Runner to send the ir commands"))
(set #irmaster_help (cat
"Use the IR-Editor to construct your remotes and "
"the IR-Runner to launch them."))
(set #askwbcolors
"How many colors do you use on your workbench?")
(set #askwbcolors_help (cat
"The icons of the IR-Editor's toobox can be replaced. "
"Icon sets for 4, 8 and 16 colors are included. "
"Without this icons, the IR-Editor can't start."))
(set #docs
(set #docspattern
(set #guide
(set #dvi
(set #examples
(set #examples_help (cat
"Load or start the examples. This will "
"help you building your own projects."))
(set #backgrounds
(set #backgrounds_help (cat
"Projects can use iff pictures as background "
"graphics. Here you will find some examples."))
(set #arexx
(set #arexx_help (cat
"The IR-Runner has an ARexx port. If you "
"want to learn about using it, take a look "
"on this scripts."))
(set #artwork
(set #artwork_help
"Here you can find some icons for your project's gadgets." )
(set #schematics
(set #schematics_help (cat
"If you want to construct IR-Master-hardware you "
"will find the schematics in this drawer."))
(set #bye (cat
"Jürgen Frank und\n"
"Michael Watzl\n\n"
"wish you a lot of fun with the IR-Master!"))
(set #importand
; //-
; *************************************************************
(message #welcome)
(complete 0)
; Amiga-OS Versionscheck
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort #version_error)
; ***********************************************
; Zielverzeichnis setzen und Verzeichnis erzeugen
; ***********************************************
(set ziel
(prompt #whichdrawer )
(default "Work:")
(help #whichdrawer_help )
(set @default-dest ziel )
(set ziel (tackon ziel "IR-Master"))
(makedir ziel (infos))
; //+ Installationsauswahl
(if (exists("hardware.run"))
(set x
(prompt #selectparts)
(help #selectparts_help)
"IR-Master (IR-Master)"
"Anleitung (Documents)"
"Beispielprojekte (Examples)"
"Hintergrundgrafiken (Backgrounds)"
"ARexx-Beispiele (ARexx-Examples)"
"Artwork (Artwork)"
"Schaltpläne (Schematics)" )
(default %1111111)
(set x
(prompt #selectparts )
(help #selectparts_help)
"IR-Master (IR-Master)"
"Anleitung (Documents)"
"Beispielprojekte (Examples)"
"Hintergrundgrafiken (Backgrounds)"
"ARexx-Beispiele (ARexx-Examples)"
"Artwork (Artwork)" )
(default %1111111)
(if (bitand x %0000001)(
; //+ Libs entpacken und installieren
(working (cat "\n\n" #uncompress #libraries))
(set rc (run "libs.run t:"))
(if (<> rc 0)
(abort (cat #cantuncompress #libraries))
(prompt (cat "\n\n" #install "req.library"))
(help #req.library_help )
(source "T:libs/req.library")
(dest "libs:")
(confirm "expert")
(prompt (cat "\n\n" #install "InfraRed.library"))
(help #infrared.library_help)
(source "T:libs/InfraRed.library")
(dest "libs:")
(confirm "expert")
; clean up
(run "delete t:libs#? all quiet")
; //-
; //+ Install IR-Master
(working (cat "\n\n" #uncompress "IR-Master"))
(set rc (run "ir-master.run t:"))
(if (<> rc 0)
(abort (cat #cantuncompress "IR-Master"))
(set rc (run "catalogs.run T:"))
(if (<> rc 0)
(abort (cat #cantuncompress "Locale" ))
(prompt (cat "\n\n" #install "IR-Master"))
(help #irmaster_help)
(source "t:")
(dest ziel)
(choices "IR-Editor" "IR-Runner")
(confirm "expert")
(makedir (tackon ziel "catalogs"))
(source "t:catalogs")
(dest (tackon ziel "catalogs"))
(set y
(prompt "\n\n" #askwbcolors)
(help #askwbcolors_help)
(choices "4" "8" ">= 16")
(set farben (shiftleft 2 (+ y 1)))
(set name (cat "data" farben))
(working (cat "\n\n" #uncompress "Toolbox" ))
(set rc (run (cat name ".run T:")))
(if (<> rc 0)
(abort (cat #cantuncompress "Toolbox"))
(working (cat "\n\n" #install "Toolbox"))
(makedir (tackon ziel "Data") )
(source (cat "t:" name))
(dest (tackon ziel "data"))
; cleanup
(run "delete t:catalogs#? all quiet")
(run "delete t:data#? all quiet")
(run "delete t:IR-Editor#? all quiet")
(run "delete t:IR-Runner#? all quiet")
; //-
(complete 25 )
(if (bitand x %0000010)(
; //+ Install Documentation
(working (cat "\n\n" #uncompress #docs))
(set rc (run "docs.run t:"))
(if (<> rc 0)
(abort (cat #cantuncompress #docs ))
(makedir (tackon ziel #docs ))
(source "t:docs.info")
(dest ziel)
(newname (cat #docs ".info"))
(prompt (cat "\n\n" #install #docs))
(help "")
(source "T:docs")
(dest (tackon ziel #docs))
(pattern #docspattern )
(confirm "expert")
; tooltypes anpassen
(set tt "sys:utilities/more")
(if (exists( "sys:utilities/amigaguide" (noreq)))
(set tt "sys:utilities/amigaguide")
(if (exists( "sys:utilities/multiview" (noreq)))
(set tt "sys:utilities/multiview")
(set docpath (tackon ziel #docs ))
(dest (tackon docpath #guide ))
(setdefaulttool tt)
(dest (tackon docpath #dvi ))
; cleanup
(run "delete t:Docs#? all quiet")
; //-
(complete 40)
(if (bitand x %0000100)(
; //+ Install Beispielprojekte
(working (cat "\n\n" #uncompress #examples ))
(set rc (run "examples.run t:"))
(if (<> rc 0)
(abort (cat #cantuncompress #examples))
(makedir (tackon ziel #examples ) )
(source "t:examples.info")
(dest ziel)
(newname (cat #examples ".info"))
(prompt (cat "\n\n" #install #examples ))
(help #examples_help)
(source "t:Examples/")
(dest (tackon ziel #examples ))
(confirm "expert")
(pattern "(#?.irm|#?.iff")
; cleanup
(run "delete t:Examples#? all quiet")
; //-
(complete 60)
(if (bitand x %0001000)(
; //+ Install Hintergrundgrafiken
(working (cat "\n\n" #uncompress #backgrounds))
(set rc (run "backgrounds.run t:"))
(if (<> rc 0)
(abort (cat #cantuncompress #backgrounds))
(makedir (tackon ziel #backgrounds))
(source "t:Backgrounds.info")
(dest ziel)
(newname (cat #backgrounds ".info"))
(prompt (cat "\n\n" #install #backgrounds))
(help #backgrounds_help )
(source "t:backgrounds/")
(dest (tackon ziel #backgrounds ))
(pattern "(#?.iff|#?.brush)")
(confirm "expert")
; cleanup
(run "delete t:Backgrounds#? all quiet")
; //-
(complete 80)
(if (bitand x %0010000)(
; //+ Install ARexx-Scripts
(working (cat "\n\n" #uncompress #arexx ))
(set rc (run "arexx.run t:"))
(if (<> rc 0)
(abort (cat #cantuncompress #arexx))
(makedir (tackon ziel #arexx))
(source "t:ARexx.info")
(dest ziel)
(newname (cat #arexx ".info"))
(prompt (cat "\n\n" #install #arexx ))
(help #arexx_help )
(source "t:ARexx/")
(dest (tackon ziel #arexx ))
(pattern "#?.rexx")
(confirm "expert")
; cleanup
(run "delete t:ARexx#? all quiet")
; //-
(complete 85)
(if (bitand x %0100000)(
; //+ Install Artwork
(working (cat "\n\n" #uncompress #artwork))
(set rc (run "artwork.run t:"))
(if (<> rc 0)
(abort (cat #cantuncompress #artwork))
(makedir (tackon ziel #artwork ) )
(source "t:Artwork.info")
(dest ziel)
(newname (cat #artwork ".info"))
(prompt (cat "\n\n" #install #artwork ))
(help #artwork_help )
(source "t:Artwork/")
(dest (tackon ziel #artwork ))
(confirm "expert")
; cleanup
(run "delete t:Artwork#? all quiet")
; //-
(complete 90)
(if (bitand x %1000000)(
; //+ Install Schematics
(working (cat "\n\n" #uncompress #schematics ))
(set rc (run "hardware.run t:"))
(if (<> rc 0)
(abort (cat #cantuncompress #schematics ))
(makedir (tackon ziel #schematics ))
(source "t:Hardware.info")
(dest ziel)
(newname (cat #schematics ".info"))
(prompt (cat "\n\n" #install #schematics))
(help #schematics_help)
(source "t:Hardware/")
(dest (tackon ziel #schematics))
(pattern "#?")
(confirm "expert")
; cleanup
(run "delete t:Hardware#? all quiet")
; //-
(complete 100)
; //-
; //+ Bye Bye
(message #bye )
(if (exists "sys:utilities/more" )
(set tdisplay "sys:utilities/more ")
; else
(set tdisplay "c:type >con:0/0/640/400/Information/CLOSE/WAIT ")
(run (cat tdisplay #importand ))
; //-